Being Thankful After a Rough Year

So as Thanksgiving comes to a close for this year I want to take a moment to reflect on all that I am thankful for this year.  For the most part I use this blog to share my love of books.  Reading has been a true life saver and sanity saver for me these last 2 months more than ever.  Although my love of reading isn't the only reason I started this blog.  Reading is such an amazing hobby to have.  It makes you use your brain, it increases your vocabulary, and takes you to new places and on new adventures. 

Some people think of reading as something you do by yourself.  For the longest time I just read what I read, and maybe put a review on Goodreads or Amazon.  Then about 2 years ago I decided I wanted to join a book club.  I wanted to find other people who were like me (loved to read).  I also wanted to be encouraged to read outside my comfort zone.  I know most libraries have a book club that meets once or twice a month, maybe even weekly.  I happen to have a rather unusual work schedule (10 AM-630 PM most days) that made making it to a real world book club almost impossible. So I turned to social media.  I mean why not? It seems that social media is becoming a part of everything lately anyway. 

So I went to Facebook and searched for reading groups.  I was surprised at how many different ones there were.  I joined a few at first, but very quickly found one that was more perfect than I could have ever imagined.  This group is more like family to me now.  I have friends from this group who I literally search for their updates in my news feed, because I know without a doubt no matter how rough my day is this friend will have posted something that will bring a smile to my face.  My Reading Brings Us Together friends are some of the best friends I think I have ever had, and I have never even met them yet.  We do what we call "buddy reads".  One book is picked and we have 2 weeks to read it before discussion day.  Do I participate in every discussion day.... NO.  Do I read every buddy read book..... also no.  But that's okay, we know that not every book is for everyone.  Although, I have found some books that I really enjoyed because they were buddy reads, that I wouldn't have read if it weren't for the discussion day.  This group is something I am thankful for.

Also having "joined" the on-line reading community I have found #bookstagram which is awesome and fun.  I now follow authors on Facebook, and Instagram. I follow their author pages, and join their groups.  I discovered the joys of ARCs!!!!  I love when I am given the amazing opportunity to join an author's ARC team, or sign up for a blog tour and read an ARC for the tour.  It is an honor to me to be able to get that advanced copy and put my review out their early to help spread the word about how amazing a book is.  Plus these authors put their hearts into their work, they need to be celebrated. 

Ok, I got a little sidetracked there.  I am going to pause for a moment to recollect myself.  Check out this cute picture of our pug (Shadow). He loves to play in the leaves in the fall.

So back to the main point of this particular post.  This has been a crazy year for me.  In February I learned that I was pregnant.  It was very much unplanned, my baby's dad was seriously upset.  He didn't want any more kids.  I hadn't planned on anymore either, I mean I am in my late 30's and already have 3 kids.  But it happened, a baby was coming, and as far as I was concerned he could stay or he could go, but I was having a baby.  Towards the end of March I learned that my baby was a little girl.  She would be my 3rd girl and his 1st girl.  (FYI, this fact got him to slowly come around to the idea of another baby).  She was due October 5th.

So unplanned pregnancy... check. What more could this year have in  store for me.  How about a foreclosure.  Yep, I couldn't afford my house payments after my older kids went to live with their dad.  So now I am pregnant, and have to find a new place to live.  Well, after much thought I chose a town I honestly knew practically nothing about.  It was 17 miles south of where I worked, which was a plus, my previous home was 23 miles north of work.  The hospital in that town delivered babies, another plus, the hospital I work at does not deliver babies.  And finally, my mom teaches at the school in the town.  So I moved, while pregnant with some help from family, but it was a long and stressful process.

Then September 22 the world threw me the biggest curve ball of my entire life.  I hadn't felt my little girl move for quite a while, and nothing I tried seemed to be working.  I had her dad run me to the hospital to be evaluated.  I was sure I was over reacting so I just had him drop me off and told him I would call him when I was ready for him to pick me up.  The nurse kept trying to get my daughter's heart on the monitor, but was struggling to distinguish hers from mine.  So the midwife on call brought in an ultrasound machine.  I had been at the hospital for maybe 30 minutes when I called her dad and said "I need you here now" and hung up the phone.  I saw the screen, but I wasn't listening to another word the midwife said until he was there to support me. Our daughter's heart was still.  I was induced that night and on September 23 at 5:07 PM, my little girl was born, silent, into this world at 38w2d gestation.  She weighed 6 lbs 8.5 oz and was 20.25 inches long.  She had a head full of beautiful dark brown hair.  She was perfect every way, except that she was forever sleeping.

This year being thankful was a bit harder than normal.  My little girl was stillborn 9.5 weeks ago.  Even with that, I have more to be thankful for than ever before.  I am thankful for the support my mom gave me from the day I found out I was pregnant again, through the first weeks after loosing her.  I am thankful for the new community I live in. They have been so generous.  Our landlords, I could not ask for two more compassionate and caring people during this time.  My co-workers as well.  And my book friends who sent me sympathy cards and other small gifts to help lift my spirits.  In my darkest hour I saw how good, and caring people can be.  So even though this year has been one of the hardest years of my life, it is also the year that I have the most to be thankful for. 

If you took the time to read this post in it's entirety I am thankful for you as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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