Well, there are now 5 full days left in 2018. It's hard to believe. This year has flown by. So far this year I have read 114 books, and hope to finish at least 3 more in the next 5 days. Two of those are needed to complete this year's PopSugar Challenge. I really enjoyed my first year of the PopSugar Challenge. I did discover some books I other wise wouldn't have read. Here is what I have finished this year. I am currently reading A Time for Everything by Brona Mills for the time travel prompt, and Lies: Ann Putnam Jr's Recounting of the Salem Witch Trials by Oliver Dahl for the ancestry prompt. I sure hope I can finish them both by Monday night.
Tuesday is the beginning of a new year. Hopefully 2019 will be just as productive of a reading year as 2018 was, maybe even better. When I started preparing for the 2018 PopSugar Challenge I spent the weeks leading up to it finding books that fit each category. Then as 2018 went on, I ended up changing many of the selections I had made due to time constraints, book club reads, or ARCs that fit those prompts. So for the 2019 challenge I am doing it a bit differently. I have selected several books that I already own and need to read that fit into several of the prompts. The rest of the prompts I will see how my reading falls. I am thinking that around June I will start searching, and working on finding books that fit prompts I haven't filled. Here is a link to the spreadsheet I use to track my progress on the challenge.
PopSugar Challenge Worksheet
As a personal challenge to myself, in 2019 I am going to slow down a bit on ARCs, and focus on tackling my TBR pile. I have won several books this last year through Goodreads giveaways, Amazon giveaways, and giveaways on Facebook. I also have several books on my Kindle that I picked up for free on Amazon. So I am going to work my way through my ginormous pile of owned, but unread books. In all reality this is going to take me more than a year, but I am going to work on these before acquiring new ones. I will still sign up for the occasional ARC, and I plan to include buddy reads for my book club #RBUT.
The most important plan going into 2019, is focus on reading what fits my mood. So I wish you all a wonderful end to 2018, and a happy start to 2019. May 2019 bring you lots of good books to soothe your soul.
As always, keep reading, and let me know if you find a book that absolutely must be read!!!!
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