Hi All, I wanted to send out an extra post this week to celebrate. Author Jordan Bates book Let Me In is celebrating it's one year Pubiversary September 24th!!!! To celebrate it is on sale for just $0.99 for a limited time. Make sure you check back again later today for my review.
Let Me In by Jordan Bates
Limited time .99c Sale from September 20-September 27
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2eZoAza
Available on Kindle Unlimited
Add to TBR: http://bit.ly/ LMIGoodreads
It was something I thrived on once. Something that I longed to have in my life every day, and when I found it at a young age, I clung to it. I snatched up the boy as fast as I could, intending to make him mine forever.
I never expected my marriage to turn out the way it did. I never expected for my husband to let me go. For that love that I had invested in to come crumbling down around me. Something that once gave me such great joy.
After the pieces of myself broke, I was surprised to find a man who was willing to pick them up, to catch me as I fell. What he wanted from me though, I didn’t know if I could give him. All he wanted was for me to let him in.
“Your handwriting is immaculate.” Max startled me as he knelt down next to me. I shifted myself away from him, without trying to seem rude. I still wasn’t over the fact that he had been so forthright with his intentions of taking me out the other night. I made sure there was enough space between us for him to get the message.
“Look.” I tried to start writing again, but Max continued to speak. “I’m sorry for the way I acted. I didn’t mean to come on so strong. There’s just something about you. Something that drew me to you.”
I ignored him and kept writing. He didn’t move. We sat in silence while everyone else moved around us. I came to the end of the chapter I was plotting out and put my pen down. Max wasn’t going anywhere, so why not get everything worked out?
“Thank you for the apology.” I said it to my paper, not wanting to look at Max. I didn’t think I could handle another smug smile from him.
“I didn’t know you were a writer.” Max said it with shock in his voice.
I laughed a little at Max’s comment. He didn’t know anything about me. “You don’t really know anything about me.” I looked up at him now. There wasn’t a smug look on his face. No. It was clear he was upset.
“You’re right.” He moved so that he was fully facing me, one knee propped in the air, an arm resting on it. His other hand lay perfectly on the ground next to me, holding him up. “So, tell me what I need to know.”
And that was it. That statement and the look on his face were all I needed to know—that I should steer clear of Max Wellington.
About the Author:
Jordan Bates is an up and coming romance author from Florida, who is determined to write loves that last and are true to everyone who reads them.
Jordan graduated from UCF with a degree in English - Creative Writing. She has been writing since her freshman year in high school, where she finished her first and second book. Since then, she has pursued writing poetry, young adult novels, and romance novels.
When Jordan isn't working or writing, you can find her looking for inspiration among the forests, and finding all the new food to eat. Because what's better than writing? Eating an amazing burrito.
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Facebook: Http://Facebook.com/ AuthorJordanBates
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Website: http://bit.ly/ JordanBatesAuthor
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