Holding on to Hurt by Charlotte Roth

So I recently finished one of the most heartbreakingly beautiful books I have read this year.  Holding on to Hurt by Charlotte Roth is told from the perspective of a mother who's son was shot in a school shooting and is now in an induced coma in ICU.  The loss she is experiencing even though he isn't technically dead.  The struggles and fights between her and her husband about whether to keep hoping, or just give up.  The information she learns about what happened prior to the event.  Truly a story about love, hope, life, and heartache.

This book held such incredible insight to what she was going through.  This is something I have never, and hope to never experience, but now have a new understanding, and compassion for those who have or are experiencing.  I admire the strength of authors who take a subject that is as difficult to talk about such as school shootings, and create beautiful novels about them.

So if this sounds like something you might be interested in please Head to Amazon to purchase this book.

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